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Download From Soundcloud®

A part of the tools suite, download songs from Soundcloud®

Soundcloud is a music and sound streaming and sharing website, with a diverse range of genres and songs to explore and listen to.

Songs can be enabled to be downloaded at the owner's discresion, however other's aren't. In the case of artists such as deadmau5, you're better off streaming the file into your computer for safekeeping forever, in case the sounds that the artists themselves provide get taken down, or if for some other consequence the audio file gets deleted (bad publicity, e.t.c...).

This tool can assist in downloading sounds that aren't downloadable, just input a Soundcloud link, and this tool will process the request, providing you with a download link, in Soundcloud's standard streaming format of 128kbps, or if the song is downloadable, at that format (320kbps, wav, e.t.c..). You can choose to click on the link and the file will start downloading/streaming to your computer immediately, or you can right click and "save target as".

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