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Random Date From JavaScript Date Format

Test JavaScript date formats (via moment.js) by generating random dates

Sample input date format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Date Format:

Randomly Generated Date:

Reference: Javascript Date Format Types

YYYY20144 digit year
YY142 digit year
Y-25Year with any number of digits and sign
Q1..4Quarter of year. Sets month to first month in quarter.
M MM1..12Month number
MMM MMMMJan..DecemberMonth name in locale set by moment.locale()
D DD1..31Day of month
Do1st..31stDay of month with ordinal
DDD DDDD1..365Day of year
X1410715640.579Unix timestamp
x1410715640579Unix ms timestamp
gggg2014Locale 4 digit week year
gg14Locale 2 digit week year
w ww1..53Locale week of year
e0..6Locale day of week
ddd ddddMon...SundayDay name in locale set by moment.locale()
GGGG2014ISO 4 digit week year
GG14ISO 2 digit week year
W WW1..53ISO week of year
E1..7ISO day of week
H HH0..2324 hour time
h hh1..1212 hour time used with a A.
a Aam pmPost or ante meridiem (Note the one character a p are also considered valid)
m mm0..59Minutes
s ss0..59Seconds
S SS SSS0..999Fractional seconds
Z ZZ+12:00Offset from UTC as +-HH:mm, +-HHmm, or Z

Sample Alert!